Year of Mercy Prayer Intentions in our Parish

December: for the conversion of sinners that they may return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation for Christmas
January: for those experiencing difficulties in Marriage and family life and for all who bear the pain of the break-up in relationships
February:  that during the season of Lent, all who follow Christ may avail themselves of the Father’s Mercy especially in Confession
March:  for those who suffer the pain of loss and bereavement
April:  for all who suffer from addiction of any kind or from patterns of behaviour contrary to the Gospel and the Faith
May:  for all who suffer unemployment and who struggle to live with dignity
June:  for those who have suffered abuse of any kind
July:  for those who live with the pain of taking human life - abortion or euthanasia - or who have been in involved in any way
August: for those suffering with problems arising from mental health, loneliness or disability
September:  for all refugees driven from their homeland
October:  for those in prison atoning for their crimes
November: for the sick and the dying - especially those estranged form God and the Church - that they may experience the merciful love of the Father