The Knights of Saint Columba presents a celebration of Indian culture through food, film and music. A two course Indian buffet to include vegetarian options, the third course Ice Cream.  £10 per person includes your food, film and music – wine, beer, juice and tea & coffee will be available to purchase on the evening. When booking your tickets state if you require an alternative to Indian food as this cannot be organised on the night.  A sensational raffle, the top prize a 42" Toshiba TV plus many, many more prizes – tickets available at £1 each.  The Bollywood Night is in aid of the Knights of Saint Columba and our chosen partners – MISSIO; Nazareth House and B.E.E.F. (Brentwood Ecclesiastical Education Fund).  To be held at Saint Peters’ Parish Hall on Saturday 16th April, doors open at 6:30pm for a 7pm start.  To book your place please speak to Liam 07952 954833 or Damian 07887 678741 or email:  If you require a lift to this event please let us know when booking.