Margueriteville CMC Donation. Following successful Country music nights at Christmas, January and February £500 has now been donated to the Parish Centre funds. Thanks once again to all supporters and donors of raffle prizes.
St George’s Day Evening Social at the Parish Centre. Advance notice of a social evening on 23rd April with Martin Jaye, a brilliant entertainer specialising in country and popular music, who recently appeared at the Margueriteville club. Tickets for the event will be on sale after Easter from Phyllis Sadowski, Marian Long and Darrell Binding. A fish n’chips quiz night is also being planned for June. More details to follow.
New members needed! We really need some new members to help organise parish social events, to put on events roughly once a quarter. New parishioners, young and old, would be welcome! Contact Darrell on 07825686249 or contact the parish office to give details.