Pray for the Dead

Please pray for our dead on their anniversaries:

Fr John Timmins, Bp John Petit, Canon Eric Goldingay, Fr Donald Clover,
Canon Jerome Deady, Pope St John XXIII, Edith Young, Dr Denis O’Riordan, Clarice Wheeler, Mildred McHattie, Vera Waelend, Sebastian De Souza,
Mabel Hooper, Joseph Mullins, Odilia Duhig, Stephanie Horwood, Kit Nafziger,
Dr Nigel Warburton, Rev Donald Clover, Stella Hale, Jonas Acton, Ida D’Eath, Dorothy Winyard, Terry Wilson, Charles Mann, Thomas Donnolly, Elsie Hale,
Lee Schiller, Joan Holdstock & Gladys Hanger.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.