Dear friends in Christ
Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Blessed Trinity. This, the ineffable mystery of God’s intimate life, is the central truth of our faith and the source of all gifts and graces. The liturgy of the Mass invites us into loving union with each of the Three Divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This feast was established for the Latin Church by Pope John XXII to be celebrated on the Sunday after the coming of the Holy Spirit, which is the last of the mysteries of our salvation. From the moment that we are first called to participate in the divine life through the grace of baptism, we are destined to participate in that life evermore fully; along this path we must journey continually. From the Holy Spirit we constantly receive impulses, motions and inspirations to encourage us to travel faster along the way that leads to God, and to revolve in an ever closer way around Our Lord. The Blessed Trinity dwells in the Christian soul as in a temple. St Paul explains that God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us.
Next Sunday the celebration of Corpus Christi, makes that love of God for us real and tangible in the Blessed Sacrament. The whole goal of the Christian life is union with God and we achieve this on earth by our worship of the mystery of the Godhead. This we particularly proclaim next week when we venerate the presence of Jesus amongst us in the Eucharist in the Mass and in the Eucharistic Procession. As always I hope that we will all make the effort to participate in the Procession Sunday with our First Communion children, so that we can give this public witness to what is the greatest of the mysteries of our Faith.
Last Wednesday during the visit of our Bishop thirty-four of our young adults were confirmed. We offer them our prayerful congratulations and pray that they will take their place now as full adult members of the Family of the Church. We are all most grateful to our Bishop, Alan, for his gracious presence with us and for his words of encouragement. God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale