Serving the Homeless

A big ‘thank-you’ to all who supported the meal at East.  We raised over £600.  
In the last few months 'Serving the Homeless’ have supplied 5 new vacuum cleaners to properties run by HARP and another industrial sized washing machine and drier for the Homeless Centre.  This is in addition to the £200 per month that we spend on fresh meat, cheese and milk that is used in the projects.  Southend YMCA have also opened a new suite of rooms, which we were able to help finance and they have asked us to help them with another conversion project in Westcliff.
Unfortunately the need is still growing, and HARP have just begun a new build that will eventually house 18 female clients.  We are already committed to helping them raise the funds to complete this project.  Over the last couple of years the number of women and girls needing help has increased significantly.  Our next fundraiser is an Afternoon Tea at Park View Suite, Chalkwell Park, on Thursday 23rd June.(Referendum Day!) 2-4pm. Tickets are £10. Phone Linda 558217, Theresa 335122 or Nina 472536  Thanks again for you continuing support.
Jo Ronan