Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 22nd October St John Paul II, P
10.00am Mass Mark Solecki, RIP (IS)
5.30pm Vigil Mass Jim Scott, RIP (GA)

Sunday 23rd - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Peter Parsons, RIP (CR)
9.30am Mass Ernest & Phyllis Cheeseman, RIP (CC)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 24th St Anthony Claret, Bp
9.00am Mass Daniel McCarthy, RIP (RO’C)

Tuesday 25th Feria
9.00am Mass Intentions of Fatima Balolong (FB)

Wednesday 26th St Cedd
9.00am Mass Roseleen Armstrong, RIP (JA)

Thursday 27th Feria
9.00am Mass Moira Moore, RIP (FD)

Friday 28th Ss Simon & Jude, App
12Noon Mass Mrs Greiner, Grace & Gwen Greiner, RIP (FM)
1.15pm Funeral Service:  Christopher James, RIP

Saturday 29th October Our Lady on Saturday
10.00am Mass Jim Scott, RIP (MS)
5.30pm Vigil Mass Deceased members of McMahon & Swanton Families (AS)

Sunday 30th - Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am Mass Robert Morgan, RIP 
9.30am Mass Dennis Jordan, RIP (Anniv) (PJ)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction