Steward of the Gospel – Diocesan Consultation

You are warmly invited to join fellow parishioners on Saturday 19th November from 2pm - 4pm in the Parish Centre for the second of our meetings to discuss and respond to this important Diocesan consultation. All ages are welcome! Please do try to come! If you can, please let Jan Lewis know - on 01702 478105 or – so we can be properly organised. Outcomes from this consultation will help guide the path of our Diocese over the next 15/20 years! For parishioners unable to make the meeting a short questionnaire is to be be found with this parish newsletter – please give it your thoughtful consideration. Completed questionnaires should be put in the gold-coloured box marked ‘Parish Questionnaire’ at the back of the church by Sunday, 20th November, at the latest. Thank you for your support!  Francis O’Brien