Thirty-third Sunday of the Year

Dear friends in Christ

During these final weeks of the liturgical year, the Church reads to us events which are apocalyptic in nature to remind us of the afterlife. The Readings at the Mass this weekend are just in this vein: death, judgement, heaven and hell. We know that life is short and that the time when we shall encounter Christ will be soon. This should help us to pray better, both for our own salvation and for the salvation of those who have died and gone before us marked with the sign of Faith. We must have our eyes fixed on Heaven, our ultimate and permanent homeland. At the same time, we try to have our feet firmly fixed on the earth. We should work in such as way as to give glory to God, to provide for the needs of our family and to improve society. Our daily examination of conscience should keep alive in us the thought of whether we are genuinely striving for holiness and thus for eternal life in Heaven.

This Sunday afternoon there will be our joint Deanery visit to the Cemetery in Sutton Road, Southend, to pray of the Holy Souls. We shall meet inside the entrance gates at three o’clock, offer some prayers in common and then process to the graves of our family members or friends with our priests for the blessings. Candles for the graves can be purchased from the Repository (three pounds) and also at the Cemetery. God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin hale