2017 Centenary Celebration Events
Sunday 5 February 3pm Annual Lourdes Mass, Wanstead
Saturday 11 February Parish Day of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday 22 March Mass in Brentwood Cathedral with Cardinal & Nuncio, 7pm
Wednesday 22 March-Thursday 29 June Exhibition of History of the Diocese,
Brentwood Cathedral Conference Hall Foyer
Sat 29 April 5.30pm Centenary Choir Celebration, St Antony, Forest Gate
Wed 7, 14, 21, 28 June 7.30pm Centenary Lectures in Brentwood Cathedral
Parish Hall Fr Stewart Foster, Canon Brian O'Shea,
Fr Martin Boland, Dr Paul Docherty
Sunday 18 June 11.30am Brentwood Cathedral Centenary Celebration
Thursday 22 June 11am Schools Mass in Brentwood Cathedral
Saturday 22 July 12 noon Centenary Celebration at Walsingham
Saturday 28 October 7pm Centenary Music Concert in Brentwood Cathedral