Serving the Homeless

The Committee of ‘Serving the Homeless’ would like to thank everyone who participated in, or attended, our ‘Evening of Carols and Readings,’ before Christmas. The ecumenical service was well attended and we were delighted to receive almost £1200 from the collection, raffle and subsequent donations. This money has gone to start a new project at Southend YMCA, ‘Mary’s House.’  This will be a home for a younger age group with troubled backgrounds, which may help break the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

During 2016 we were able to spend £16,000 on homeless projects within the Southend area.  We are now fundraising to furnish HARP’s White Heather House, which is a hostel for homeless women.

Our next two events are a second collection on 29th January, for Homelessness Sunday and a 3 course Sunday lunch at 12.30pm at ‘Affinity’ on 29th January.  Tickets for this are £20. Telephone Theresa, 335122, Linda, 558217 or Jo 474062.  Thank you for your continuing support for this work.  

Jo Ronan, Chair, Serving the Homeless