Sincere thanks to everyone who supported our Jazz Evening last Saturday. This raised a profit of £545, which will go towards the YMCA's project ‘Mary's House’.
Over the past six months we have continued to spend £200 a month on fresh food for the Day Centre, Night Shelter and houses run by HARP; paid for temporary overnight accommodation for two clients until they could be housed; bought ten sets of clothing for young clients at HARP as well as additional underwear and jeans; financed the cost of providing bedding for twenty new beds in the women's hostel; provided £500 towards the cost of a shower for LRBC's winter night shelter; supported the suspended meal scheme at the Oasis Cafe and supported the Southend YMCA latest project "Mary's House".
Our next fundraising event is "Songs from the Musicals" featuring Elizabeth Upsher and the Southend YMCA on Saturday 18th November in the Parish Centre. Tickets cost £12 and include an Italian buffet supper. Please bring your own drinks. Tickets are available from Linda 558217, Theresa 335922 or Nina 472536.