Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in christ

As we conclude our Parish Mission this weekend, I thank God for the graces and blessings - seen and unseen - that we have experienced during this week. I thank in particular Abbot Hugh Allan and Fr Stephen Morrison for having given so generously of their time and talents, in guiding us through the liturgies and preaching of these days; they have been inspirational! All of us who made the time and effort to attend daily Mass and the Services of the Mission will have been helped in the living of our Catholic lives.  Most importantly, we have been able to spend more time with our Blessed Lord in prayer, at Mass and in the Sacramental life of the Church.  For those who did not or could not attend for whatever reason, you can listen to the talks and reflections via the website; many of our housebound and others in distant places have been linked-in by this means during the week.

A huge thanks to all those who have assisted in any way, big or small, by prayer or action, in making the Mission a grace-filled time for us all: those who helped arrange the liturgies and provide music; those who provided the refreshments in the Parish Centre each morning and all those behind the scenes who worked so diligently.  We now have the foundations set to move forward in a more generous spirit of evangelisation. We can talk more about how we might go about this in the weeks and months ahead.  For now, let us be grateful for what we have received and stand affirmed in our Faith which is our everything.

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at