‘Chosen' New Years Retreat for Young People (15-35yrs)

Friday 29th Dec - Monday 1st January 2018
Over the Christmas period, young people aged 15-35yrs will have the opportunity to take part in a New Years retreat held at St Bonaventure's School, Forest Gate. The retreat is being run within our diocese by ‘Youth 2000’, a National Catholic Youth ministry, which runs events all over the country.

The retreat ‘Chosen’ runs from Friday 29th Dec - Monday 1st January 2018, and will include a New Year’s Eve celebration, along with praise and worship, adoration, celebration of Mass and the Sacraments, and feature gifted speakers and testimonies. Many clergy and religious from around the diocese will be present, along with our Bishop, Alan Williams.

The cost for this event will be whatever you can afford and Youth 2000 simply ask for a donation within your means. If you would like your child to take part in this event, please register your interest on ‘event brite’ below:


Or by emailing: info@youth2000.org