Please Pray for the Dead on their Anniversaries

Fr Francis Richardson, Fr Alan Wilcox, Canon Bernard Manning, Pope Pius XI, Fr Donald Mills, Rev William Smith, Margaret O’Connor, Robert Roberton, Margaret Pearson, John Manna, Francis Richardson, Victor Maguire, Joseph Ruggiero, Barbara Blaker, Henry Moores, Catherine Burn, Modge Ditton, Emma Oldham, Veronica Read, Peter Heritage, Alice Whitfield, Eugenie Ballard, Doris Wenninger, Edmund O’Sullivan, Patrick Jennett, Charles Oldham, John Armstrong, Victor Gosling, Carmen Ashley, John Young, Bernard Ward, Catherine Shanahan, Gordon Watts, Jessie Hempstead, Annie Jackson, Monica Crighton, Cajetan Soares & Tony Trigg.

May their Souls & the Souls of all the Faithful Departed rest in peace.