Dear Friends in Christ
We have begun reading from the Gospel of St Matthew at Mass during this period of Ordinary Time before Lent and, specifically from the so-called Sermon on the Mount. Jesus here addresses his disciples with the fundamental doctrine by which he launches His salvific teaching. This Sunday we hear the Beatitudes. Taken as a whole they point to one thing: holiness. Blessed means fortunate and happy, and in each one of the Beatitudes Jesus begins by promising happiness and pointing out the ways of achieving it.
I ask you to make a note of some forthcoming events, such as the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Saturday 11th February; this is also the inauguration of the Diocesan Centenary Year. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament that morning from 10-11am, with Sung Mass at noon, followed by a Parish luncheon (five pounds). Also, the Parish and Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes at the end of July. Reserve places for both of these events through the Parish Office THIS WEEKEND!
One of the main celebrations for the Centennial Year of our Diocese will be the Mass in Brentwood Cathedral on Thursday 22nd March at 7pm. This will be celebrated by the Bishop with the Cardinal and other members of the Hierarchy in attendance. As each Parish is only being allocated five tickets for this Mass, if you would like to attend please give me your name and if we are oversubscribed we can put the names in a hat!
Finally, the re-decoration of the church will be commencing within the next week or so; weekday Mass will be celebrated in the St Clement Room of the Parish Centre and unfortunately we shall have to keep the church closed whilst this process is underway; Health and Safety! Wishing you every blessing for the week ahead.
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at