Dear Friends in Christ
With the Mass Readings of Year A we hear, over these next three weekends, three of the most powerful encounters that Jesus has in the course of His public ministry: the meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well; the healing of the man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus form the dead. They have been deliberatively chosen by the Church for this time of Lent because it is a more intense time of preparation for the Easter Sacraments. Throughout the Church many souls are preparing for their moment of definitive encounter with Christ in Baptism, Confirmation and the Blessed Eucharist. These three Gospel Readings focus our attention on how Jesus brings us to fullness of life in Him: by offering us the waters of eternal life in Baptism; opening our eyes in Confirmation; and giving us His own risen Body and Blood in Holy Communion. Though these Gospels are long, we can hear them again with a fresh vision. Jesus wants us, like the Samaritan Woman, to enter into friendship with Him, but in a union so deep that we will never exhaust the riches of this friendship. So please pray for those who are being prepared for Reception into the Church next month; for their Sponsors, who accompany them along their formation in the Faith. Last weekend some twenty young adults from the Parish began their preparation for Confirmation at Pentecost. May we all, as members of God’s Family the Church, grow in knowledge and love of Him in this time of grace.
On Wednesday evening in Brentwood Cathedral there will be the Solemn Concelebrated Mass with Te Deum for the Centenary of the Diocese. Most of the Hierarchy of England and Wales will be present and Cardinal Nichols will deliver the Homily. Whilst numbers have to be limited there will be five members of the Parish present (who applied for tickets) and who will represent Leigh Parish. We can all thank God for the graces He has given us in Brentwood and under the patronage of Our Lady of Lourdes go forward with renewed Faith and enthusiasm.
May God bless you.
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at