Fourth Sunday of Lent

Dear Friends in Christ

From the earliest times, the Church has seen Lent as a time of purification and enlightenment. This refers particularly to those who are under instruction for admission into the Church at Easter through Baptism, Confirmation and The Holy Eucharist. The Gospels of this Sunday resonate with the virtue of Faith and eternal life: last week the Samaritan Woman at the Well is invited to believe in Christ so that she might have water welling-up within her: Baptism. This weekend the cure of the Man Born Blind reminds us that all of the miracles of Jesus point to a spiritual, deeper meaning. In the case of this man being given his sight, we see that the eyes of his soul are also opened so that he may see The Saviour. Many thousands, even in our own country are preparing in these weeks of lent for Reception into the Church. Some of them are Baptised already and therefore belong to Christ; but by Confirmation and Holy Communion they will enter into the the fullness of Church life with us. Pray for them and their Sponsors - eight from our own Parish Family - that they may continue in these days of purification and enlightenment, for the life of grace that awaits them. 

May God bless us all as we reach the mid-way point of Lent.

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at