Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday - Sunday 16th April 

8.00am Mass Martin Payne, RIP (Anniv) (MP)
9.30am Mass Deceased relatives & loved ones of Braggard & Underwood Families (RB)
11.30am Mass Irene Hurst, RIP (Anniv) (LC)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 17 Monday within the Octave of Easter
10.00am Mass Alexander Clarke, RIP (SH) 

Tuesday 18 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
9.00am Mass Henry De Souza, RIP (CO’B)

Wednesday 19 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
9.00am Mass Albert Cook, RIP (Anniv)(SD)

Thursday 20 Thursday within the Octave of Easter
11.00am Requiem Mass Bartholomew Guihan, RIP    

Friday 21 Friday within the Octave of Easter
12Noon Mass Pauline Kidney, RIP (Anniv) (VC)

Saturday 22Saturday within the Octave of Easter
10am Mass Sally Ann Power, RIP (Anniv) (GP)
10.30am-11.30am Exposition & Confession

The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week

Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy - Sunday 23rd April

Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Private Intention
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession

8.00am Mass Audrey & Selwyn Lewis, RIP (Anniv) (JL)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Intentions of Kathleen Burke & Family (TO’C)
2.30pm Divine Mercy Service
NO Vespers & Benediction 

The Sacrament of Penance is available on request