Next Sunday is Vocations Sunday. On the new website you will find Pope Francis’ Message for today, and a video of the life of a seminarian along with much more information for anyone considering a vocation to priesthood or the religious life. You are also very welcome to contact the Vocations Director, Fr Graham Smith on 01702 465720 or
“In the depths of their heart, all missionary disciples hear this divine voice bidding them to “go about”, as Jesus did, “doing good and healing all”. By virtue of baptism, every Christian is a “Christopher”, a bearer of Christ, to his brothers and sisters. This is particularly the case with those called to a life of special consecration and with priests, who have generously responded, “Here I am, Lord, send me!” With renewed missionary enthusiasm, priests are called to go forth from the sacred precincts of the temple and to let God’s tender love overflow for the sake of humanity. The Church needs such priests: serenely confident because they have discovered the true treasure, anxious to go out and joyfully to make it known to all.” (Pope Francis)