Third Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends in Christ

Over these Sundays of the Easter Season, we hear the different accounts of those who witnessed Jesus after His Resurrection. This Sunday is the well-known and affectionate encounter of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus.  These men knew about Christ’s promise of dying and rising to life on the third day, they had heard the reports of the women finding the empty tomb. Yet they were full of discouragement. Their minds are in darkness ands their hearts numbed. When Christ appears to them on the road He patiently restores them in faith and hope. They then rediscover their joy and love is alive!  It is possible that we too sometimes meet discouragement, lack of hope and despair. On these occasions we need to let ourselves be helped like the two disciples. perhaps this will come through the encouraging words of a friend; or through the advice we receive in Confession or spiritual direction. But it is essential that we also allow ourselves to be helped, and that we be ready and open to the advice we receive.  It is also very possible that we will meet people who have lost the supernatural meaning of their lives and whom we have to bring back - in the Lord's name - to light and hope. Amidst the darkness of the world our Christian mission is to bring light and faith to the souls of all those we meet. May Eastertide, and the joy of knowing that we are children of God, help us to achieve this for the sake of His kingdom.

We begin the month of May this Monday, this month that has a special significance for our devotion to God’s Mother. It is within this month that the Church marks the centenary of the first apparition at Fatima. May the Virgin Mother of God, protect us with her unfailing help as we dedicate this month to her Immaculate Heart.  May God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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