The Most Holy Trinity

Dear Friends in Christ

The month of June began with the celebration of Pentecost last weekend and it is a month full of lovely celebrations of our Faith: The Blessed Trinity, Corpus Christi, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Saints Peter and Paul…to name the main ones. Throughout the year the Church, our Mother, gives us a wonderful fare of feasts and fasts which celebrate the mysteries of our Faith. To live our lives well is to live them in a fully Catholic way. Our Faith provides all of the fulfilment we need for happiness in this life, and the promise of future glory. I said last week in the Homily that in order to be effective witnesses to the presence of the Holy Spirit, we need to have an expertise in our Faith.  Over the next three Monday evenings there will be a presentation of Pivotal Players which is an excellent series of films made by Bishop Robert Barron about key figures in the history of the Church. These will last about one hour and a half beginning at 8pm in the Parish Centre; do come along and enjoy the sessions, meet other Parishioners and immerse yourself more deeply in our Catholic Tradition.

We offer our warm congratulations and prayerful good wishes to those young adults who were Confirmed last weekend: Charlotte Blackstone Whines, Leo Bruce, Nina Cranidge, Samantha Dench,  Harry Dominguez Dona, Heidi Edwards, Joanna Gaudini, Harvey Green, Maria Lourdes Hume, Patrick James, Emily Kidd, Matthew McCorley, Indhi O’Hanlon, Raphael Parascandolo, Ewan Russell, Holly Ryan, Eleanor Sheahan, Thomas Soar, Cliona Tanner-Smith & Annabelle Trower.  I thank especially the team of Catechists who helped in their spiritual and doctrinal formation over the weeks of Lent and Eastertide.

Next weekend is the Annual Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Let us all do our best to attend, to give public witness to our Faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and pray for much needed peace and harmony in our world in these times.

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at