Dear Friends in Christ
This weekend the calendar resumes Ordinary Time after the celebration of Corpus Christi last weekend. I thank those who helped to arrange our Eucharistic Procession last Sunday which as always is a tangible witness to our Catholic Faith in the Blessed Sacrament. I am especially grateful to the Tilbury Brass Band, our band of Altar Servers and the Ladies who provided the lovely Tea that followed.
Next Sunday (2nd July) is the occasion of our Annual Parish Meeting. As in previous years the invitation to attend is extended to the entire Parish Family. However, I invite in a particular way all who offer their time and talents to the Parish as a means of my expressing gratitude to you all. Please do try and come along if only for a short time. The Meeting will begin at 6.30pm with the Reports from the Parish Groups and then flow into the Garden Party.
On Monday we will be welcoming Year 6 Leavers from around our Deanery Primary Schools for a Thanksgiving Mass here in our church. Pray for our young people as they prepare for the next stage of their schooling.
Thursday is the Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul and is a Holyday of Obligation. The children from our Primary School will be attending the morning Mass (at the later start time of 9.15am). This feast of the two Princes of the Apostles lets us celebrate our Faith in the Church which is founded on their fortitude, courage and strength, even to the point of martyrdom. Their two statues both on the tower of our church and either side of the sanctuary within, proclaim to us and to the world the excellence of their witness.
Finally, may I remind you that there are still some seats available on the two coaches that will be going to Walsingham on Saturday, 22nd July. This will be the main Centenary celebration for our Diocese together with our Bishop and all the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese; please book now to avoid disappointment!
With every blessing.
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at