Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ

We have now entered the high summer month of July, a month in which we honour the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Saint Pope John XXIII especially wanted us to have a vibrant devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus, the price of our redemption, and the pledge of our salvation and eternal life. When we receive Holy Communion from the chalice during this month, let us pray that the Lord will wash away all our sins and forgive and convert those who bring bloodshed and violence to our world. Sometimes, sadly, I have heard people refer to Holy Communion from the chalice as “receiving the wine” - a sorry term and mistake! Let’s never refer to ‘wine’ but only to the Precious Blood. In 1960, Saint Pope John XXIII asked the Congregation of Rites to compose a litany in honour of the Precious Blood. It is a beautiful prayer that you can slowly reflect on. Please pray it often this month. You can find here:

As we begin to go our separate ways during the holiday season and School holidays, there can be no holiday from the things of God and our Faith. Many of us Clergy comment that the numbers at Holy Mass each week noticeably decline when the Sacramental celebrations - First Communions and Confirmations - are over. There is often a sense that when our Schools break for the Summer, this is also a break from the life of the Mass and Sacraments. Wherever we go on holiday, let our first priority be to discover where the nearest church is and what are the times of Sunday Mass. 

I wish you all the joys and blessings and refreshment of this time of year!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at