Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ

This weekend our schools closed for the Summer vacation.  In both primary and secondary schools there are students who have left in order to move-on to the next phase of their education, and we wish them all well in their new institutions; as we wish good exam results for those awaiting them next month! However, and in particular, I would like to highlight the retirement of the Headteacher of our Primary School - Mrs Margaret Sullivan - who departs this month. Mrs Sullivan has been the Head of Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School for the last twelve years and as Deputy for four years prior to that.  She has been a teacher in Catholic education for the 39 years of her teaching career.  So, we owe her a huge debt of gratitude for all that she has done wherever she has taught, but in particular, here in our own Parish School.  Many of our young people who have passed-through Our Lady of Lourdes School will have fond memories of times there and the pivotal role Mrs Sullivan played. As a Leader, she has always been at the centre of the School and, with a very maternal approach, formed and guided all for whom she has had responsibility.  Her unique and unequivocal Catholic Faith has been the inspiration that has made our own school the beacon of learning and excellence that it is. I know I speak for the whole Parish Family when I say a heartfelt Thank you! Last Monday, during a school assembly, I was able to present Mrs Sullivan with the Papal Blessing which Pope Francis conferred as a token of divine grace and heavenly blessings, for all that she has done for Catholic Education. We will continue to keep her at the heart of the local Parish here and I know she will continue to follow the progress and success of the School as it enters a new chapter.  

I was very happy to see a lovely article appear in the current issue ofThe Leigh Times Summer supplement about our Parish.  The Reporter is a Parishioner and she has given a very informative upbeat account of Parish life and how the Catholic Church is so clearly at the heart of our Town; thank you Sophie Sleigh-Johnson!

This week I shall be in Lourdes with a group from the Parish on our Diocesan Pilgrimage.  I will pray for all your intentions and offer Holy Mass there for the Parish Family.

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at