Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 13th August 

Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Diana Underwood, RIP (Anniv) (RB)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession

8.00am Mass The People of the Parish
9.30am Mass Special Intentions of Mrs Leftley & Doreen Harley (PL)
11.30am Mass Edward Hippard, RIP (SH)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

Monday 14 St Maximilian Kolbe, Pr, M
9.00am Mass Jim Scott, RIP (MS)

Tuesday 15 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - Holyday of Obligation
9.00am Mass Frank Mann, RIP (RM)
12Noon Mass John Kidney, RIP (MC)
8.00pm Mass The People of the Parish

Wednesday 16 St Stephen of Hungary
9.00am Mass Alex & Margaret McFarlane, RIP (Anniv) (MW)

Thursday 17 Feria
9.00am Mass Bernadette Perry, RIP (Anniv)

12Noon Mass John Watkins & Susan Conibeer, RIP (JW)

Saturday 19 St John Eudes, Pr
10.00am Mass Canon Vincent Hurley & Fr Andrew Hurley, RIP(Anniv) (JH)

The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 20th August 

Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Mary & Alf Johnson, RIP (Anniv) (CM)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession

8.00am Mass Patricia Armstrong, RIP    
9.30am Mass Mike & Marie Rubbert - Golden Wedding Anniversary (M&MR)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction

The Sacrament of Penance is available on request