Transfiguration of the Lord

Dear Friends in Christ

The cycle of the Ordinary Sundays is interrupted this weekend as we celebrate The Transfiguration of the Lord on 6th August. Twice during the liturgical year we remember the Transfiguration in a special way. First, on the Second Sunday of Lent, to affirm the divinity of Christ before we commemorate the Passion. And Second, today, as we recall the exaltation of Christ in anticipation of His eternal glory. This revelation prefigured the splendour of Heaven where we will see God face to face. Through grace, we acquire the seed of eternal life during our present existence and begin to participate to a certain extent in the promise of salvation even now.

By this mystery Jesus desires to strengthen us with the hope of Heaven, especially if at some point the way becomes taxing, and discouragement causes us to falter. Thinking about the life of Heaven will help us be strong and to persevere. May we not fail to keep before our eyes the final destination prepared for us by our Father God. Each day that passes draws us a little closer to it. For a Christian, the passing of time is in no way a tragedy. On the contrary, it shortens the distance we need to travel before our long-awaited and definitive meeting with God.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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