Dear Friends in Christ
Most of us have a problem with forgiveness; we think we are ready to forgive, yet hold our grievances still. The servant in Jesus’ comparison in the Parable read at Mass, is wicked. He received mercy beyond comparison yet cannot forgive his fellow servant a small debt. This forgiven servant comes to his fellow servant who owes him a mere three months labor. Having received great mercy, what does he show to his fellow servant? He throttles him and demands repayment. The fellow servant pleads for mercy with the exact same words as before. But the forgiven servant refuses to forgive. He takes the blessings he received from his king and hoards them for himself. What he received as a blessing becomes a curse. His debt was forgiven but having refused to forgive, it is once again imputed to him. So also for us. The forgiveness so freely given to us in Jesus is turned to a curse if we refuse to forgive others.
As we approach the Mission week (7th-15th October) I remind you to pray daily the Mission Prayer which we have been reciting weekly at Sunday Mass. Also, prepare to commit to attending the liturgies and daily Masses of that week which we should see as a spiritual retreat for the Parish. I am very grateful to all of you who responded to the appeal last weekend to deliver leaflets in your area publicising the Mission; there are still quite a number that need to go out. This alerts those in your neighbourhood to something important happening within the Catholic Community and also is a small act of evangelisation or spreading the Faith. I pray for some great spiritual fruits from the Mission: that those estranged from the Church might be brought Home; that the lukewarm may be inflamed with love of God and that all of us will experience a renewal of Faith. God bless you in the coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at