Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 10th September
Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Bill Pearson, RIP (Anniv) (SP)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Frank & Ann Ryan, RIP (Anniv) (JL)
9.30am Mass June White, RIP (IS)
11.30am Mass The People of the Parish
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
Monday 11 Feria
11.00am Requiem Mass Doreen Spaul, RIP
Tuesday 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary
9.15am Mass Willie Cunningham, RIP (AS) - with Our Lady of Lourdes School
Wednesday 13 St John Chrysostom, Bp, D
9.00am Mass Stephen Cornell, RIP (Anniv) (MC)
9.00am Mass Intentions of Sister Mary Jude (SG)
Friday 15 Our Lady of Sorrows
12Noon Mass Fred Ablitt, RIP (SD)
Saturday 16 Ss Cornelius & cyrian, Bp, Mm
10.00am Mass Intentions of Mike & Marie Rubbert (VC)
The Holy Rosary is prayed after morning Mass during the week
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday 17th September
Saturday 5.30pm Vigil Marie & Bill Sullivan - Diamond Wedding Anniversary, (PS)
6.30pm–7.30pm Exposition & Confession
8.00am Mass Deceased members of the Newman Family (CS)
9.30am Mass The People of the Parish
11.30am Mass Caroline Orzabel, RIP (M&RJ)
5.30pm Vespers & Benediction
The Sacrament of Penance is available on request