Dear Friends in Christ
With the celebration of the Epiphany this weekend - and the Baptism of the Lord on Monday - the Church brings to a conclusion the mysteries of our Lord’s birth and early days of His earthly life. The manifestation of the Christ Child to the Wise Men begins a process which continues until our present times: we, the Church of Christ, are called to make Him known and loved. Evangelisation - the spreading of the Gospel and Faith of the Catholic Church - is not merely a matter of being nice to others; we must use every opportunity to give them the pure doctrine of Christ. What attracts others to the Church is Jesus Christ. We need only show Him to others and He does the rest. The best way the Church has to do this is in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In the Eucharist, when we and others come before the Lord sacramentally present, he draws us to Himself. There is no better or effective means. If we don't do this we are failing in our responsibility. When we do bring others to Jesus in the Mass and in Eucharistic adoration, we act like Mary before the Magi: and going into the house they saw the Child and His Mother and worshipped Him. May this New Year be a time when we really work to let Christ shine through us.
Thank you very much for all the kindness you have expressed over Christmastide: your many warm greetings, gifts and Masses. Your prayers are what sustain me above all else; thank you for the good collaboration over this period: to those who keep our church building so clean and welcoming; those involved in the liturgy, musicians and servers, and all of you who play any part, great or small, in the good ordering of Parish life. I wish you all continued grace and blessing throughout 2018!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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