Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ

Across Europe this weekend, and up and down our land, commemorations are being made to mark the end of the Great War. At 12.30pm this Sunday church bells will ring out across the country to mark this centenary. We remember, and pray this weekend, for all those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom in both World Wars and in other conflicts. This commemoration reminds us each year of the urgent need to pray for peace in the world. At Fatima Our Blessed Mother asked the Church to pray the Rosary daily for peace. We still live in precarious times and peace can never be taken for granted. We implore Christ, the Prince of Peace, to give harmony and concord to our troubled world, that the atrocities of past generations may never be seen again in our day.

In the month of memorials for the Faithful Departed, we continue our intercession for those who have died. This week we celebrated our Annual Requiem for those who have died in the Parish in the last year. This Friday (16th) there will be a Sung Requiem Mass in the extra-ordinary form (Missal of 1962) for the Holy Souls. Next Sunday afternoon (18th) there will be the annual cemetery visit (Sutton Road, Southend) when the local Clergy will offer prayers and bless the graves of our loved-ones; please gather at the entrance at 3pm. During this month, so rich in reminders of eternal things - death, judgement, heaven, hell - let us keep alive in prayerful hope, all those who await the intercession of our prayer for their eternal life.

God bless you!

Msgr Kevin Hale 01702 478078
Homily available at