Dear Friends in christ
We are soon approaching the end of the liturgical year: next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King. This is followed by our three days of Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - the Forty Hours Prayer - just before Advent begins. Candles which will burn - and be used also throughout the year as the sanctuary lamp - can be had from the Sacristy for five pounds. Please find the lists for watching which are at the back of Church.
This weekend Caritas Brentwood is launched. From now there will be a formal network drawing together and supporting, all the individual organisations and groups involved in social justice, peace and charitable action. You will be able to see this work on the dedicated website: We are fortunate here, because of our resources, to be involved in many of these areas of charitable work, and by bringing all of these groups together diocesan-wide, we hope that a more effective network of support can be given. We ask God’s blessing on this new initiative for our Diocese.
This Sunday, still conscious of the mood of the month of the Holy Souls, we make our cemetery visit in Sutton Road, Southend. Please meet at 3pm at the entrance for prayers before the blessing of graves. Even if you do not have loved-ones buried in Sutton Road Cemetery, you can still come along and join in prayer for the Faithful Departed, ever conscious of the words of Sacred Scripture that it is a good and pious thought to pray for the dead.
May God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at