Dear Friends in christ
The liturgical year concludes this weekend with the Solemnity of Christ our Universal King. However, the image of Christ as King has more to do with His dominion over our hearts and minds than with any connotations of worldly sovereignty. The image that Scripture puts before us today is Jesus as our Suffering Servant; the One who reigns from the Cross. Each year in our Parish, the final three days of the liturgical year are marked by the exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This begins with the Mass on Thursday evening and concludes with the final solemn Benediction on Saturday afternoon. There will, as usual, be many opportunities for private and public prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. If we have a deep Catholic Faith, this will impel and draw us to Jesus really and truly present in the Eucharist. Come to the church during these ‘Forty Hours’ and seek help, solace and love in the one place - and with the only One - who can bestow it on us.
This Sunday is also designated as National Youth Sunday and one of our young adults will address a few words at the end of Mass about the work of the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service (BCYS) and forthcoming activities. They will also be helping during the Night of Light that we will be holding during the Forty Hours Prayer to coincide with the Leigh Lights. This is a new initiative - planned by the Parish Evangelisation Team (PET) - to invite the people of our Town to come and visit our church and experience the presence of Jesus who lives and reigns in our midst. Please pray for this, during this time, so that we may all be brought closer to the Divine Heart of our Saviour; and may God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at