All parishioners should want to know and understand what is being proposed by our bishop, Bishop Alan, in the publication of the Diocesan 'Vision Document: Shaping Our Future', released (not unintentionally) this weekend, the commencement of Advent and a new 'church year'! This document is intended to significantly shape and direct the future work and life of our parish whilst cooperating within a new and close 'partnership' of a number of neighbouring parishes for years and decades to come! The Vision Document can be viewed on the Diocesan website: via the 'News' tab. Hard copies available from the back of the church, please take only one per household. It marks a key milestone in the Stewards of the Gospel process, a process begun in 2016 and drawing on feedback from parish consultations, our own included. As a parish, we have already taken some initial steps towards Renewal with the founding of our Parish Evangelisation Team, meeting since last Easter on a monthly basis, to whose meetings every parishioner has a standing invitation! All Our Lady of Lourdes parishioners are considered members of the Team!
The next meeting of the Parish Evangelisation Team is this Thursday, 6th December, starting at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre and finishing, after a short period of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, promptly at 9.00pm. An item on this month's meeting is, you will not be surprised, the new Vision Document! Come along to hear more - you will be most welcome. Francis O'Brien - Parish Steward of the Gospel.