The ‘Serving the Homeless Committee would like to extend their thanks to all the parishioners who contributed to the collection for Homelessness Sunday on 27th and 28th January, or who have made subsequent donations. You raised the magnificent sum of £1839.70. Your generosity means that we can continue to finance projects which not only help meet local people’s immediate needs but also help people out of homelessness.
We have our Annual General meeting on 12th March at 7.30 at St. Margaret’s Church Hall, Lime Ave Leigh. We would welcome anyone who would like to find out more about what we do. (But don’t worry you won’t be forced to join!)
Our next event is a meal at East on 22nd March at 7.30. Tickets are £15 and are available from Linda, 558217, Theresa, 335122 or from Jo 474062.