Dear Friends in Christ
As on so many occasions, the Gospel of this Sunday shows us that the mission of Christ, his Apostles and the Church, is to bring the message of salvation to all people: Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation. St Paul says this good news cannot be kept locked-up. As I wrote last week, during the Lenten season we are going to begin to look at ways in which we can become more deliberate and intentional disciples of Jesus: by becoming in the first instance, more convinced ourselves, and then using that conviction to bring Jesus to those who are hungering for Truth in their lives. Please pray for this initiative for evangelisation so that, as a Parish Family, we may become intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.
I have to share with you some concerns I have as a result of recent criminal incidents in our church. Over the last year there have been several occasions when attacks have been made on the building causing damage and the theft of money. This is always distressing, as we not only have a beautiful church but we have been able to keep it open from dawn to dusk each day. However, the nature of these intrusions and the vandalism caused, are making me review the security of the premises. We have a duty to keep the church accessible, but I am ever-more conscious that there could be more serious damage, sacrilege or worse if we do not take some action. This is a great pity, as many people drop into the church during the day to pray and I am reluctant to have the place locked. I am looking a way whereby people may gain access securely during the day if they wish to pray, but in the meantime I would encourage you all to visit the church often, which is in itself a deterrent to those who would treat the House of God in a profane manner. Please pray to the Guardian Angel of our church for this protection, as well as making acts of reparation for these sins of profanation.
Next week in our Parish we shall be celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes. As the feast falls on a Sunday this year, and as we are dedicated to Our Lady, this takes precedence over the normal Sunday liturgy and the Readings and prayers at the Mass will be taken from the 11th February. There will be a drinks reception in the St Clement Room following the 11.30 Sung Mass next Sunday. In the meantime, we commend ourselves most fervently to Mary’s intercession and protection at this time.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale