A First Formal Proposal for the Renewal and Restructuring of our Diocese - Stewards of the Gospel

For a few weeks now we have been in receipt of the ‘First Formal Proposal’ document and DVD/video message from Bishop Alan.  The Proposal and video message are available to view on the Diocesan website: www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/bishop. If you require a hard copy please let me know (01702 552373) or leave a request at the parish office.  The Proposal shares with us some of the thoughts Bishop Alan and his team have as to how the Diocese might restructure itself in the future to ensure that we can more effectively evangelise, sharing with faith and confidence the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ within our parishes as well as surrounding communities.  The Proposal specifically refers to the place of our own parish in any forthcoming restructuring.  We are being asked by the Bishop to take time to carefully and prayerfully study the document and discuss it with family, friends and fellow parishioners.  An opportunity is being arranged for us to come together as a parish family to share views, hopes and any concerns in relation to the Proposal, with our response in due course being conveyed to the Diocese.  Bishop Alan stresses that this is a ‘first’ Formal Proposal;  a lot more discussion and consultation will yet be required!  A Parish Meeting is being arranged for 10.30am on Saturday,
17th February, 2018 (commencing after the 10am Mass) in the Parish Centre.  The Bishop’s video message will be shown on that occasion.  For any unable to attend on 17th February, I would be grateful to receive your thoughts in writing (via the parish office) or by emailing:  obrjam@btinternet.com.  Many thanks.

Francis O’Brien - Steward of the Gospel