Presents a series of Four Lent Talks at Nazareth House-Thursday Evenings in Lent, beginning at 7.30pm - ending with devotions and Benediction - Priests available to hear Confessions.
‘The Ministries to which we are called’ Thursday February 22nd
Fr. Gerry Drummond, Parish Priest of Rochford and Hockley and Catholic Chaplain to Southend Hospital.
The Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Dying Thursday March 1st
Brian Holt-President of the Comitium for the Legion of Mary ‘Be it done unto me…’
Thursday March 8th Fr. Graham Smith, Parish Priest of Southend and Prittlewell Diocesan Director of Vocations
‘Here I am Lord’ Thursday March 15th
Speaker to be confirmed: The Pastoral Formation of our Young People Abbotswick and Beyond…