Dear Friends in Christ
This weekend we enter the final two weeks of Lent: Passiontide. This is the part of Lent when we consider the last days of Our Lord before his saving Death and glorious Resurrection. We try to enter into the mystery of the Passion by our reflecting on the various accounts we find in the Gospels; by following the Way of the Cross and by trying to unite all of our crosses with the sufferings that Jesus undertook for our sins. Every time we think about these scenes our predominant thought should be: Jesus suffered all of this for love of me. This itself fills us with great gratitude for all that we have been given and helps us to understand everything in the light of things eternal. Next week - Palm Sunday of the Passion - we will hear St Mark’s account of the Passion; this prepares us for what will follow in Holy Week: the three days, or Sacred Triduum, in which we recall the farewell Passover, His death on Calvary and His rising to life again on the third day.
Thanks to all those who responded last week to the appeal to collect your Gift Aid envelopes for the coming year. Also, to those who kindly agreed to sign-up as new Gift Aiders. This is an important source of revenue for the Parish since, if you are a taxpayer, every pound donated to the Church is increased by twenty-five percent; an invaluable help to the Parish and the Charities we support. We have just completed a programme of Health & Safety updates to bring us into line with current legislation. This kind of work is essential and also costly, so the support you all give to the Parish is always appreciated; thank you for your continued generosity and God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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