Catholics plan mass-rosary prayer around the British coast

On Sunday, April 29, at 3:00pm parishioners and priests from the Southend deanery will gather on  the beach at the Crowstone, Chalkwell Beach at the bottom of Chalkwell Avenue to pray the rosary. This prayer event is taking place all around the coast in the UK. The date will mark 50 years since the Abortion Act coming into effect. Organisers say the mass-rosary prayer will help combat the “present threats to faith, the dignity of the human person and to peace”, and encourage a “re-flourishing of our Faith”. The organisers said.“We believe that if the rosary is prayed by about a million along the borders of the country, it may not only change the course of events, but open hearts of our compatriots to the grace of God,” If you want to know more then please visit