Fifth Sunday of Easter

Dear Friends in christ

The image of the vine, which Jesus uses to describe the union of us with Him, is an image that would have been very familiar to anyone who heard Him. We sometimes see vines in this country, and the interweaving of the branches is a clear picture of how it is with those who are living in Christ. As St Paul says: It is not I who live but Christ who lives in me. The intertwining of our two lives gives us the courage and confidence we need as we live the life of Faith. The next stage in our plan for Intentional Discipleship for Evangelisation was discussed last Tuesday evening during the transition meeting; as result we are forming a Parish Evangelisation Team that will work together with me and look at ways in which we can extend the Gospel and our Catholic Faith across our Parish Family and local Community.  Please continue to pray for the spiritual and lasting fruits of our endeavours.

One such act of witness and evangelisation in our land is the Rosary on the Coast taking place this Sunday afternoon at 3pm.  Right around the British Isles, Catholics will gather to pray the Holy Rosary in hundreds of locations for Faith, Peace and Life in our land. There is a dedicated website which gives full details of all the places where this will be taking place and in our own Parish we will gather on the Esplanade at The Crowstone, bottom of Chalkwell Avenue to pray. It is anticipated that thousands will turn-out around the country to pray in a united act of witness. Please do all you can to come along this Sunday afternoon to pray.

May God and His Blessed Mother bless us!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at