Dear Friends in christ
This Sunday brings us to the end of the Easter Octave but the Easter Season continues for fifty days until Pentecost. During this time we live, as did the Apostles, in the light of the Risen Christ. We listen to Him as they would have listened in those post-Resurrection days: full of awe-filled faith. Jesus would have been confirming their faith in Him, reminding them of what He had taught them all along and reassuring them that He would always be with them. Today the Church especially celebrates the Mercy of God which Jesus manifested at the moment of His appearing to the Apostles in the Upper Room. This gift of His Mercy is available to us always, especially in the Sacrament of His Mercy: Confession. Many of us have availed ourselves of this grace throughout Lent and Holy Week and this Sunday is another opportunity for us to be bathed in the twin streams of blood and water that flowed from His Heart upon the Cross. This Sunday afternoon there will be the usual Devotions for the Divine Mercy.
This Sunday two Catechumens will be Received into the Church: Karen Thomas and Sylvia Langley. We offer them our prayerful good wishes and the continued support of us as they join the Family of our Parish.
Thank you for your Easter greetings and kind Easter Offerings. I would also like to express my gratitude on behalf of the whole parish to all of those who have given of their time and talents during the celebration of the Holy Week ceremonies. As ever, it has been a fruitful and edifying Lent, and I thank you for the enthusiasm of Faith which is an important example for me. Also for the enthusiasm with which we have embraced the Evangelisation and Discipleship project which continues and we pray will bear fruit in the future.
I wish you all the continued graces and joys of this Easter season!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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