Dear Friends in christ
This Sunday’s celebration is the summation of all the mysteries of the Christian Faith: The Blessed Trinity. In The Trinity we see our final destination: to live the family life of God. This is our happiness on earth, and our hope of Heaven. We already share the Divine life here by our participation in the Sacraments, and this will be completed on the day when we enter eternal life with God.
Our prayerful good wishes go to all of our young people who have received the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation over the last two weekends. I would like especially to thank those who had any part in preparing them for these celebrations of Christian Initiation; especially those involved directly with their catechesis. For certain, within their preparation, they have received a good formation in faith and the spiritual life. We are proud of our young people and we pray and hope that they are equipped for the next stage of their life of faith. They constitute the Church for today and the future.
Next Sunday is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. The fact that this particular feast continues to be celebrated on a Sunday means that the entire family of the Church can celebrate it with the beauty and dignity deserving of this great Mystery, The Mystery of Faith! Next Sunday afternoon we shall make our annual Procession of the Blessed Sacrament. Our First Communion children are given pride-of-place but it is an occasion for the entire Parish Family to gather, kneel and walk with, Our Blessed Lord. Also, it is an excellent act of witness to our Faith especially in a time when we are thinking more about ways in which we can show the world the beauty of our Catholic Faith!
May God bless you all!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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