Dear Friends in Christ
The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed…but it grows into the largest shrub of all. We hear these words in the Gospel this Sunday. Our Lord chose a few men to begin the work of evangelisation. For the most part they were humble fishermen, unlettered men, with evident defects and only a few resources. Looking at things form a purely human perspective, it is impossible to explain how these men could have spread the teachings of Christ to the whole known world in such a short space of time. They faced so many obstacles, and there was much opposition to overcome. St John Chrysostom sees in this parable of the mustard seed, Jesus urges his disciples to have faith and to be confident that the spreading of the Gospel will be carried out in spite of everything. We need to remember that it’s not our efforts that count in the end, but that it is God’s Church. If we keep sight of our smallness, and also the power of grace, we will always be strong in whatever God asks of us. If we do not keep our eyes fixed on Jesus we become discouraged and pessimistic and will give up easily when tempted or when difficulties arise. As we go about our efforts as a Parish, to evangelise, let’s always remember that the victory belongs to Christ, who has already triumphed and calls us to do great things with Him.
With every blessing for this coming week!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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