Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in christ

The liturgy of this Sunday speaks to us about death and life. Both the first reading and the Gospel show us how the human heart recoils from death, but we are comforted by the knowledge that Jesus has destroyed it. Death was not part of the original plan of God for the human race; it is the result of sin. For believers it is now an inevitable step which brings us from this world to the Father.  Throughout His life, Jesus is never indifferent to all those who experience the loss of the ones they love. He is right there by their side, and in some exceptional circumstances, raises them back to life, as in the case of the daughter of Jairus. Jesus rebukes the mourners who mock Him when he says: She is not dead only sleeping, and so tells us that death is but a falling asleep in Christ, who is our hope and pledge of the resurrection of the body one day.

This Sunday, 1st July, is the occasion of the Parish Annual Meeting and Garden Party. I extend an invitation to anyone who plays an active part in the Parish, in whatever way, to come along and celebrate the last year and so that I may thank you for all you contribute to the family of the Parish. We shall begin with a short Meeting at 6.30pm at which the annual reports can be received and the annual accounts approved. Do come along, even if only for a short time.

With every blessing!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at