Dear Friends in christ
All Baptised people can apply to ourselves the words of St Paul: He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and spotless before Him. Through Baptism and Confirmation, all of the Christian faithful make-up God’s priestly people. So the task with which the first disciples were entrusted is for every one of us; it isn’t a matter of just the ‘professionals’ doing this work of making Jesus known and loved, but this work is entrusted to all of us. Over these weeks, during the liturgy, we hear how God sends His Prophets to call the people of Israel back from their waywardness to the Truth. All of us Baptised have been given the threefold charisms of being Priestly, Kingly and Prophetic. That is: priestly to make holy this world right where God has placed us, kingly to guide and help those who have been entrusted to us; prophetic to tell others about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. All of us together, constitute the Family of the Church, each of us in our particular roles, building-up the Body of Christ so that He may be exalted and loved in the world.
God bless you!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at