Dear Friends in christ
As many of us begin the long summer break this week, the Gospel image of Jesus looking out upon us with compassion, is perhaps a good image to keep before our eyes. As we take time away from our normal work, school and home routines, we can never forget that we are under the constant gaze of Jesus. May all our time here on earth give glory to God so that we never forget to put Him first, and especially each week in the Mass, which should be the centre and motivating source of all that we do and are. We wish all our schools, staff and students, a very well deserved break, and a time of refreshment and renewal at home or abroad!
On Monday the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage sets-off with a large contingent of pilgrims from across our Diocese, to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. Included within this pilgrimage from our Diocese there are 250 young people, 12 of whom are from our own Parish, which is a great tribute to their generosity and that of their families who have encouraged them and friends who have sponsored them. Be assured that we will all be held in their thoughts and prayers at Mass, in the rosaries, and in the processions and other devotional acts during the week.
May God bless you all and may Our Lady continue to protect us!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
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