Kerala, India, is currently being affected by some of the worst monsoon rains in over a century, resulting in major flooding, the displacement of over one million people, hundreds of lives lost and thousands of homes washed away. The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) has close 'twinnage links' with this part of India and is well-placed to help those affected by the disaster both now and in the longer term when the 'news cameras' have moved on! Our own OLOL parish SVP 'Conference' has already donated £300 from its own resources. If you can, please assist this Emergency Appeal by going to: select the 'Donate' tab, scroll down to 'Where should it go?' and select 'Kerala Emergency Appeal'. Cheques can be sent to: SVP Twinnage Disaster Fund, PO Box 318, Whitstable, CT5 9BS with 'Kerala Disaster Fund' on the back of the cheque. Thank you for any help you can give.