Twenty-First Sunday in ordinary time

Dear Friends in christ

This Sunday brings us to the reading of the final part of chapter six of St John’s Gospel. This discourse on The Bread of Life has been read over these last five weeks and helps us to understand what Jesus would do on the night before He died. I hope that the reflections over these weeks of the Summer have helped deepen our own appreciation of what happens at Mass. You can revisit the Homilies via the Parish website or at iTunes.

Jesus is truly the Bread of Life that gives life to the world, and difficult as this doctrine sometimes sounds, it is the logical consequence of the Incarnation. God wished to live among His people by becoming Man, and He wishes to continue this presence amongst us in and through the Blessed Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament is at the very heart of the Church, both in a theological sense - as the source and summit of the Christian life - and also at the central point of our churches so that we can encounter Jesus-with-us whenever we visit a Catholic church. 

This weekend in Dublin there is taking place the World Meeting of Families and on this Sunday Pope Francis will be celebrating the closing Mass of these days of reflection on Marriage and family life. We remember all those, especially from our own Diocese, who are participating in this event and pray that there will be many and clear fruits from this Meeting for the Church for the time ahead.

God bless you all!

Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at