Dear Friends in christ
Last week we spoke in the Homily about the sixth chapter of St John's Gospel and how every three years at this time we begin reading from it at Mass for five consecutive Sundays. I would invite you, during these more restful days of the Summer, to read through this chapter for yourselves: perhaps with your families, in private prayer or as spiritual reading. This Sunday the first reading and the Gospel reflect on the manna which came down from Heaven and with which Moses fed the people in the desert. This strange bread from Heaven which fed the people on their pilgrimage for forty years in the wilderness, is a symbol of the Bread of Heaven - The Eucharist - with which Jesus will feed His people until the end of time. In the Mass we are truly fed on the Body of Christ, come down from Heaven, a Bread that sustains and nourishes us in every way. If we come to Mass with the amazement which the Jewish people had for that mere bodily bread, think how much more we will be transformed by the reception of Christ Himself, given to us in the Mass. I remind you that the Homilies of these Sundays, which by the end of five Sundays will form a complete catechesis on the Mass, can be found on the Parish website or at the iTunes store.
With every blessing for the week ahead!
Msgr Kevin Hale ✚ 01702 478078
Homily available at